Founded in 2016 by CEO Lauren Kopp, Kopper Kennels provides a fun and safe enviroment for your perfect pooches! During her time at Mizzou, Lauren found it difficult to leave her dog at home when she had other obligations to attend to. There was never a facility in Columbia that offered what she needed. So, after years of planning she opened her very own doggy daycare and boarding facility in the heart of Missouri - Columbia. Now many college students and older adults can feel better about dropping their pup off at daycamp instead of leaving them behind! Our state of the art facility is equipped with a large fenced in outdoor playground along with an indoor playground for not-so-sunshine days. We are also currently in the process of adding an indoor pool! Each dog has their own sleeping space for maximum comfort! They include a memory foam bed, flat screen tv, and a variety of chew toys for entertainment. On game days we celebrate with a special viewing of the game and we include a tailgating treat bar. Your dog will NEVER want to leave!
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all paws are created equal, that they are endowed by their owner with certain gifts of life; that among these are bones, bones, and the pursuit of more bones.”
"Not only can I enjoy the Mizzou game, but so can my dog!! I love the tv's provided in the facility!" - S. Holdinghausen, 23
"The management is great and my Sue never wants to leave." - K. Owens, 21
"Working more than 60 hours a week can be tough on Skylar..I feel so much more relaxed knowing he is having the time of his life with other dogs." - J. Knob, 47
"LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS PLACE!! Roxy is such a wild girl and has made so many new friends!!" - A. Evans, 27
"I like to travel and sometimes can't take my dog to the hotel. It's nice knowing he is also enjoying his own mini vacation." - R. Hanson, 64
Columbia, Missouri has loads to offer you and your furry friends! Check out these pawsome parks in Columbia and these restaurants that welcome dogs!